i) Upgrade the research capacity and capability of InBIO, by expanding the human potential and fostering a critical mass of researchers with inter-disciplinary expertise in environmental metagenomics;

ii) Strengthen the structural capacity of InBIO to prepare successful applications for H2020 and other EU, international and national funding opportunities, and to achieve greater competences in professional project management;

iii) Improve InBIO’s innovation potential and impact at the regional, national and European levels, by promoting the integration of cost-effective metagenomics approaches at the forefront of biodiversity, ecological and environmental research;

iv) Strengthen partnerships that can effectively help building the “triple helix” model of innovation, by boosting interaction and mutual trust between InBIO, the industry and other business corporations, and agencies of the public administration, thereby promoting the transfer of knowledge from research into application, and helping to focus research on solving relevant practical problems.

v) Implement an effective strategy of communication and dissemination, thereby contributing to highlight InBIO’s research and innovation potential and achievements, and maximizing its impact at the regional, national and international levels.

vi) Raise the international and national network of collaborations and partnerships of InBIO and its industrial and governmental affiliates.