Participation to the cycle of events “Dinâmicas para a Inovação”

These 1 day workshops were organized by the National Agency for Innovation. It is a set of initiatives on how to bring value to knowledge in different areas that are considered strategic for sectors of the national economy established as priority in the national strategy of intelligent specialization.

Two of these events are relevant for the EnvMetaGen project: Forest and Water and Environment. The participants come from different types of entities: Higher Education Institutions, Interface Centers, Collaborative Laboratories, Technology Transfer Offices, Clusters and companies in the regions where they take place. The events have been attended by Sandra Aresta, the Knowledge Transfer and Dissemination Officer of EnvMetaGen. Both events had approximately 25 participants.

Being a small event, this was a very good opportunity to interact with most of the participants, in particular during the round-tables that take place for discussion on different subjects related to the main topic of the event. The round-tables allow to address the challenges connected to the main topic and how to address them, in order to provide information for policy-makers, in the scope of an evaluation and review of the national strategy for innovation. In this way, the subject of biodiversity, and how metagenomics can address these challenges has been raised systematically during the discussions.

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