EnvMetaGen is organizing, together with the European Bioinformatics Institute and the University of Porto, a 3-days spring school in Porto, PORTUGAL, on genome-wide tools and resources that can be applied to ecology research. This training session is destined to MSc and PhD students from relevant scientific areas, with a focus on ecology, as well as early-career researchers. No prior bioinformatics knowledge is needed but undergraduate level biology or related degree is recommended to follow the course.
There are 30 places available. Registration is free of charge. Candidates from both Portugal AND other countries are welcome.
Application to the course can be made through this form. A short description of your motivation to the course will be asked. Places will be attributed on a first come first served basis, provided the criteria above are met. Applications should be submitted by April 14th 2019. Candidates will be notified if their application is accepted within 2 days from closing date.
The program includes several modules from the EMBL-EBI training offer, in particular:
- ENSEMBL – Interactive module of six short sessions, each with a presentation, a demo and some exercises on the use of the Ensembl and Ensembl Genomes browsers.
- ArrayExpress: public database for functional genomics – Trainees will learn how to access, retrieve and use functional genomics data. This will involve presentations, demonstrations and practical activities to give participants hands-on experiences.
- Expression Atlas: Gene expression across species and biological conditions – Trainees will acquire hands-on experience in using Expression Atlas, a resource to find information about gene and protein expression across species and biological conditions.
- Biostudies (webinar) – The BioStudies database holds descriptions and links to biological data from both published and unpublished studies. This module will provide training on how to use Biostudies for accessing, browsing and storing experimental data for personal and collaborative projects.
- European Nucleotide Sequence Archive (ENA) – ENA is a global database for storing experimental nucleotide data and also interpreted data (alignment files, variant calling, analysis results). Trainees will learn how to publish sequence data on this platform, and how to search and analyse 3rd party sequence data.
- Metagenomics/MGnify – MGnify houses >200,000 microbiome datasets that have undergone functional and taxonomic analyses using standardised pipelines. Trainees will learn how to extract knowledge from this resource – from comparison of datasets, to assembly of reads for novel protein discovery, and reconstruction of metagenome assembled genomes.
Day 1 – May 7th, 2019 – 8h30-17h30
- Introduction
Day 2 – May 8th, 2019 – 9h00-17h30
- ArrayExpress
- Expression Atlas
Day 3 – May 9th, 2019 – 9h00-17h30
- Biostudies
- European Nucleotide Sequence Archive (ENA)
- Metagenomics – MGnify