Quo vadis eDNA?
The 1st DNAQUA International Conference on DNA-based biomonitoring is taking place online from 9-11 March 2021. Organized by the COST Action DNAqua-Net this event provides the opportunity to scientists and stakeholders to present and discuss latest research outputs on DNA-based monitoring from DNAqua-Net and beyond.
While the research on environmental DNA and other genetic tools to support aquatic bioassessment progresses rapidly, few of the methods find entry in regulatory biomonitoring. To provide latest information about DNA-based aquatic bioassessment and monitoring to national stakeholders involved especially in the national implementation of European Directives and to assess where end-users from environmental agencies and offices see main challenges at national level, a set of national workshops will be held in parallel and the national languages to facilitate the dialogue just after the conference, on the 12th March 2021.
EnvMetagen, being a long-term partner of DNAqua-net has volunteered to organize this event. You can fin the program and the link to register (deadline March 9th) here: Stakeholder_workshop eDNA Portugal_12032021
Join us!! Let’s contribute to improve biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystems.